Virus world | Virus to earn

 Hi bitcoiners friends, this time I will discuss one of the newest projects, which this project focuses on v2e or also known as virtual to earn. we can develop or create a virus which then the virus can develop and generate many rewards for the community. The structure of this Virus World project is designed to provide strong motivation for all members of the community to contribute to the expansion of the Virus World ecosystem, which can lead to the continued growth of the project. The V2E (Virus to Earn) growth model from the Virus World project is a very unique way to contribute to community growth and develop your own NFT. This system provides strong incentives for community participants to actively promote and participate in projects.

The V2E (Virus to Earn) growth model is a system that allows NFT holders to invite new users through referral links, buy 'XP' using 'ZVT' tokens, and events that contribute to the development/expansion of the community. The story development model through VirusWorld community governance allows members of the VirusWorld community (NFT Holders) to contribute to the main story of the VirusWorld project through decentralized and democratic voting using the 'ZVT' token.

Consequently, the Virus World brand and story developed in this way may be used in various business ventures such as games, movies and goods in the future depending on the governance of the members. Community members can participate in various events and missions organized by Virus World, and get exclusive benefits (privileges) as holders of Virus World NFT. For those of you who want to learn about this upcoming project, you can visit the link And for those of you who want to join and get rewards together, please register and do the tasks that are available at the link

Those are the few articles that I made, hopefully they can provide good news for you. Good job and we get the reward

#VIRUSWORLD #ethNFT #V2E #Minning #Blockchain #VRWD